judo throw during competition

1st Zendokai Thailand Open Shingi Cup 2015

On July 12th, 2015 at the Indoor Training facility inside the Sports Authority of Thailand we assisted at the “1st Zendokai Thailand Open Shingi Cup 2015“. When we visited the Shingi Dojo MMA in Phra Khanong in

bing demonstrating a rear choke

Kempo Combatives

Mr.Kulwarat Teeraprasert is known in the Thai Martial Arts world as “BING Thai Kempo“. He has been studying martial arts since he was 13 when he started with Boxing for 3 years and continued with Traditional Muay

athlete performing wai kru at Ayutthaya temple for muay boran event

World Martial Arts Council Games Bangkok 2015

Every year, in occasion of the National Boxer’s day, the World Muay Boran Federation organize a great event to honor all ancient fighters and to promote traditional martial arts in Thailand: The World Martial Arts